Non-Profit & Education
Epps & Coulson’s Non-Profit & Education practice ensures that nonprofit organizations stay mission focused. The firm and affiliate attorneys provide results-oriented counseling to organizations that operate under diverse tax and structural laws and guidelines than traditional for-profit entities.
Our skilled general counsel help manage the legal aspects of your organization from start-ups, emerging organizations, and charitable clients. Our practice team gets to know your organization intimately and helps its clients with the organizational and regulatory challenges to meet client goals ranging from governmental entities to healthcare to educational institutions.
At Epps & Coulson we consult with our clients on strategic business matters to ensure that your organization receives practical solutions for any issues encountered. We offer our services to clients of all sizes and industries and establish relationships with our clients that help them grow and succeed.
Here is just an example of what our general counsel services provide:
- Governance Matters
- Annual Filings
- Board of Director Meetings
- Conflict of Interestv
- Ethics Training and Enforcement
- Fiduciary Duties
- Employee Compensation
- Board and Staff Training
- Disclosures and Audits
- Compliance Checks
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Reorganization/Restructuring
- Joint Ventures
- Real Estate and Tax Matters
- Regulatory and Compliance Filings/Reports
- Charitable Giving
- Fundraising Compliance
- Policy Drafting and Review
- General Contracts
- Operating Agreements
- Tax Exempt Compliance